In Traditional Kimbanda, Spirits Eshu and Pombagira are organized 7 Kimbanda Realms , each divided into 9 Dominions with...
Handcrafted and 100% natural, Casa Arole Aromatherapy Premium Incenses blends were created by Diego de Oxóssi to bring you the...
Buy now!What if you could control what the reality around you returns by controlling the energies you sent to the Universe in actions, words...
Buy now!THE COMPLETE BOX with The Sacred Leaves Trilogy! Three amazing books to learn how to identify and combine the powers of the sacred...
Buy now!The 2nd volume of The Sacred Leaves Trilogy is the biggest magical dictionary in Brazil: 365 plants catalloged in details, with their...
Buy now!Read more about the COWRIE SHELLS DIVINATIONThe first time I attended a Cowrie Shell Divination, I could clearly feel the presence of the Orishas. It was as if They were speaking to me and helping me choose the best path to follow...
My first religious experiences began in early childhood, attending the Umbanda temple where my grandmother and my godmother were mediums. The white clothes, the smell of smoke and the sacred chanting enchanted me...
Touched by a serious disease when I was two years old, disillusioned by the doctors, I was taken bygrandmother to a Babalosha who, with the right prayers and herbs, dedicated my life and my destiny into the hands of the Orishas. In their mercy they heard the call, and at the age of seven the disease "magically" disappeared.
Years later, the path laid out by the Orishas became reality: still living in Porto Alegre, capital city of Southern Brazil, in 2009, I was initiated into Traditional Kimbanda by Mãe Ieda of Exu Rei das 7 Encruzilhadas (Priestess Ieda of Eshu King of 7 Crossroads), from whom I also received my religious rights in 2011, titled "Chief of Kimbanda" in 2014 - inaugurating my Kimbanda Temple, called Kingdom of Eshu 7 Knives and Pombagira Gitana, the first Traditional Kimbanda Temple in Brazil outside the Southern states -, and receive the biggest honor and title in Kimbanda in 2022: the Bull's Knife.
In 2010, already living in São Paulo, in South-East Brazil, and by Oshossi's sovereign will, I was initiated to Him in the Orishas cult called Candomblé, a tradition in which I fulfilled all the precepts and obligations, receiving my religious rights as Babalosha and inaugurating the Ilê Odé Iká Eran Meji, an Orishas Temple, in May 2018.
Gaucho living in São Paulo, I am graduated in Management Processes by Anhembi Morumbi University and in Integral Systemic Coach by FEBRACIS. For over 20 years I have been dedicated to researching, developing and presenting courses, lectures and workshops about pagan and Afro-Brazilian spirituality, their forms of expression and the ways of integrating their rituals with society. Since 2015 I also dedicate myself to write about African-Brazilian spirituality and to attend readings and spiritual guidance with Eshu's and Orisha's advices through Cowrie Shell Divination worldwide.
Since 2018, I coordinate Arole Cultural, a publishing house dedicated to books about African-based spirituality, racial issues and diversity. In 2021, my first book was released in English: "Traditional Brazilian Black Magic", by Destiny Books / InnerTraditions; in 2022, two new books came on English as well: "Sacred Leaves", by Llewellyn Worldwide, and "Afro-Brazilian Numerology", also by Destiny Books / InnerTraditions.
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In Traditional Kimbanda, Spirits Eshu and Pombagira are organized 7 Kimbanda Realms , each divided into 9 Dominions with...
Quantas vezes você já teve a impressão de ser avisada quando algo está para acontecer ? Aquele frio na barriga, aquela vibração...
Get to know the Sacred Leaves bookHail the sacred leaves! Hail the leaves that heal! If you give me the right leaf, and I enchant them with my words, I will rid the whole earth of everything that is bad!
Maria Bethânia
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